Read through the Bible
A Year of Bible Readings _ Link Meal and discussion last Friday of each month. First discussion Jan. 31st.
Sunday Live-Stream
"Upcoming Event"
The online option can be found at the top right corner of this web page. The icon is a hand with a $ over it. Just click on the icon and you will be taken to the donation page and follow the instructions! It is simple and easy.)
You can also text your monetary gift to the church. Here is how: open a new text message on your phone; type in 405-451-1674 (no dashes), then type "Give" (no quotes) in the body of the text message. You will then receive a reply that contains a link. Click on the link and follow the directions. If you want give regularly by text, then add the above number and title to your contacts.
You can give to the General budget or give a memorial! Each gift will continue to allow our congregation to further its ministry and mission. We thank you in advance.